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About Annie

More than words can say


anniecdtranslations: authentic, bespoke translations


I’m passionate about words.  The way you express yourself says everything about you that your client needs to know.


When you pick up a novel, you know right away whether you like it or not. So, you carry on reading, or you put it aside. The same happens when someone reads your website – will they find resonance in what they see, will they lose interest right away, or find a jarring note? In today’s text-based world, we are confronted with a barrage of words every day and have to be selective. Make sure people choose to pay attention to what you have to say. Entrust your text to an outstanding linguist.


I realised I had a flair for English at a young age. An apt phrase, the right riposte, prize-winning compositions. A musical child, I found a text had to have a natural rhythm to ring true. To my delight, I later also found I had a talent for foreign languages, discovering whole different repertoires of rhythms and melodies. A prolonged sojourn in Spain, then Germany, followed by finally settling in multinational Mallorca have added up to 25 years of immersion in my chosen language fields: Spanish, German and Catalan.



Having obtained a degree in psychology after leaving school and spent several years working in the field, I specialise in the social sciences. My work for real estate companies has led me to further specialise in architecture and property descriptions. I also remain true to my first love, literary translation.


Annie Christmas

Authentic, bespoke translation from German to English, Spanish to English and Catalan to English.

deutsch-englisch, español-inglés, català-anglès

Bespoke language services


Spanish to English

German to English

Catalan to English

French to English

Copywriting and transcreation


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