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Links to a few of my recently published written articles:

Speeding Night Train
Countryside Bike Ride

I'm a bit of a speed freak and love nothing more than cycling all the way down a Pyrenean mountain at 70km/hr. Launching my career as a freelancer has also led me to giddy heights. Nevertheless, I know in my bones that translation and copywriting are arts that simply cannot be rushed.


When I went freelance over eight years ago, I hit the ground running, which has been a thrilling. I have delved into areas which I had not seriously tackled in detail before, honing my skills and efficiency and at the same time increasingly concentrating on my specialist subjects in the fields of business, real estate, art, architecture, literature, law, health, psychology services, sport and nutrition.

I have been delighted to reap the rewards of my pronounced work ethic and also gain the confidence of prestigious clients in the fields of psychoanalysis, health care, commerce, architecture, information technology, finance, law, the chemical industry, government agencies, and nutrition. All this has confirmed beyond any doubt in my mind that I was right to take the plunge and go it alone.


In 2024, three of my book translations are to be published, one by Professor Dr Andreas Hamburger of the IPU, another by Vivian Pramaratoff-Hamburger M.D. , and the third by the renowned psychoanalyst, Nahir Bonifacino. Previous publications have included the English version of Oxana Zeitler's super-relevant and compellingly written book (more details in a blog entry). Other clients that agencies have sent my way have included Porsche, VW, adidas, LANXESS, Ranstadt, Traxpay, Amazon, the regional government of Mallorca, the Mayr cure and clinics.


I have a penchant for translating company histories, such as the fascinating and at times daft business chronicle over four generations written by Oliver Driesen ("Don't Worry, be Harry") and the engrossing Vöhringer company history by Dr. Petra Braitling (DE>ENG). Other recent book projects have included a beautiful little publication on traditional Mallorcan fishing boats by Bernat Oliver Font (CAT>ENG).


Some of the projects that have been the deepest sources of satisfaction to me have not been big businesses but creative artists. These include the Eva Wolf-Schliesser Gallery of contemporary art website 


I fully intend to continue bucking the trend of ever cheaper, ever more mechanical and faster translation and offer my services to discerning clients who appreciate quality and nuances as well as breakneck speed.


See "more" for links to some of my published articles and blog entries.


Group of Road Bikers
Clifftop Yoga
Cable Cars
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